Saturday, July 28, 2007

Forgotten Week 2

Week 2 - Exploring Yokosuka and Yokohama


Whoops! Looks like I forgot to write about my small Yokohama trip at the end of Week 2 - July 7-8. So here we go! I set out on a humid Saturday afternoon from my dorm in Yokosuka. I needed to take a train to Yokohama, so while I was walking to the train station I saw... Denny's! (No, I have not eaten there yet, but I definitely plan to before coming back!) So, of course, I took a picture of it +D

Moving on! The next 4 pictures are the day and night views of Yokosuka-chuo. These buildings are basically the shopping centers built on top (or within, however u look at it) of the train station. In Japan, places nearest to to the train stations are usually quite busy and often have a shopping center built right into it. In More's City, there are restaurants on the highest 2 floors, I have been to the Italian restaurant located on the 2nd highest floor with a few other interns and the view from there is quite nice at night! Although the food was only decent... the portions were, of course, unable to quench my appetite!!!!!

Anywho, relatively speaking, Yokosuka is quite a quiet place. So there is really not that much to talk about. I would say the highlight of Yokosuka would be that it is near the coast. I live about 2 blocks from the sea. There is a nice park near the sea called Umikaze park. At the park, there's a skateboard/rollerblade area, so I like to go there and skate around at night. Some nights, after work, me and my co-worker(s) just go and sit there with beers and snacks (Yes, I have been drinking more in Japan.. everyone does!). It's quite peaceful at night with the sea wind blowing. Often, you see people fishing, or walking along the coast. It's quite a nice little place and is definitely a nice change from the fast-paced, over-crowded streets of Tokyo, Japan.

Anyways, got a bit side-tracked there, back to the main story! So, at Yokosuka-chuo (station) I hopped onto the train and 40 minutes later, arrived at Yokohama!


In Yokohama, it was much busier than Yokosuka! The streets were filled with people and the shopping centers were packed! Unfortunately, when I went to Yokohama at this time, I was still unfamiliar with Japan and was kinda scared of wandering too far. Therefore, I just wandered around the station. Apparently, Japan's tallest building and largest ferris wheel is located in Yokohama.. but of course, I didn't see it during this visit. However, I plan to go back and I'll definitely get pictures of those!! Anywho, I'll let the pictures do the talking.

Back At Yokosuka

After a day of exploration, I left Yokohama and returned to Yokosuka-chuo. Upon exiting the station, there was a live band playing in an open area near the station. They were actually not that bad, so I listened for a bit (Yes, it was in Japanese). I thought this was pretty cool given that it was just a random Saturday night. I think in Japan, they have many small events happening all the time and that's why there's always things to see and do!


Anonymous said...

Wow man sounds like u have been seeing the sights!!!! Which is alwasy good, life over there sounds like my kinda life, sounds so relaxing and convenient with all these shopping malls.

Oh yeah do ppl kno about ur blog cuz nobody has left a comment on ur first post. i feel like a loner on the comment board LOL

Anonymous said...

Whoops that post was mine, forgot to leave a name.

Unknown said...

Yokohama is awesome man...let me know when you wanna meet up there.

You gotta come down here to play some poker though.

There's a tournament every weekday. The top 3 get a seat into the championship satellite in September. Winner of the championship goes to play in the Asia Pacific Poker Tour ( event we're playing for now is Korea. $2500 buyin, air, and hotel. The championship is in September and I got my got lots of time to win yours!

Unknown said...

lol... ^ nice =p

Unknown said...

by the way, your location aint delta bc, dun try to pose u we deltans dun want traitors who migrate to other countries! i hope you lose all your ***** by age 22, lol...

Unknown said...

gay ass not updating any more eh, i will stop reading then =p

Anonymous said...

nice pictures.. bonus that this site is not blocked from my work computer haha.

you have to drink more, show them how canadians do it.

ps: it was pretty gay of hong to leave 3 comments in a row

Unknown said...

^ you are gay, i hope you lose all your ***** by age 22.

Anonymous said...

razaaaa ramon haaaardoo gaaay wooooooooo!